Photograph © Vanmala Vongkingkeo

La Mercerie, Ixelles, 2014

My profile

This website is edited by Derek Blyth, a writer and journalist who has lived in Brussels for more than 24 years. Formerly editor of the Brussels English-language weekly The Bulletin, he has written several books on the Low Countries, including Brussels for Pleasure and Flemish Cities Explored. He is co-founder of the discussion forum Café Europa and has contributed to The Guardian, the International Herald Tribune and Metropolitan magazine.

He likes to drink coffee at Workshop Café and buy wine at Mig’s. He cycles down the Rue de la Paix to buy croissants at Renard and drinks Poperings Homelbier at Les Brassins. 

He likes to claim that he knows the city better than anyone else. But it is probably not true.

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