



The Hidden Secrets of Brussels

secret street art

Street art at Recyclart


Secret street art


Find out about the secret street artists who work in Brussels, from the man known as “the Banksy of Brusssels” who paints skeletons on apartment walls to the Ghent artist who paints giant sleeping pigs on blank walls.

The walk looks at how street art has evolved in Brussels, from illegal tags sprayed on buildings by disaffected kids to serious art sponsored by the city authorities. 

The walk lasts about 2 hours





Reservation and info: walks@mysecretbrussels.com


How it works


Derek Blyth organises walking tours of Brussels based on his bestselling guide The 500 Hidden Secrets of Brussels. The walks are given in English and aim to show a side of the city that most people do not know about.Tours normally last 2 hours.The walks go ahead regardless of the weather. Bring an umbrella to be safe. Brussels is a city of cobblestones and dilapidated pavements. Wear the right shoes.


The walks cost a suggested €10 per person. This is an optional payment. Students, interns and youths under 18 are free.


Street art by the Serendip collective in Rue des Minimes








We wanted to thank you for the great walk we had with our group of students on 14 January 2014. It was a hit: our students absolutely loved it! Even though the weather was quite rough, this was the first group that we've had that was collectively enthusiastic right until the end, regardless of the cold.

Pauline Le Floc'h,

International Students Abroad


What a treasure trove of knowledge and a delightfully witty one at that! Derek has a delightfully cool approach to the whole tour of street art. And I discovered that Brussels is definitely NOT flat OR boring. He gave his commentary in English. My daughter was too jet-lagged to come along but when I showed her a few pictures and told her about it, she was as turned on by Brussels as me. Now we notice the quirky features of Brussels in a way we would never have done on our own.

Maggie Morgan, Melbourne


I want to thank you for the excellent tour that you did last Saturday. My wife and I learned a lot and we will try our best to be a part of your upcoming trips. We will also be purchasing your book as well as telling our friends about the hidden secrets that we are sure that many of them do not know about. 

Klaus Ken Shipley


Thank you for the great tour through Brussels yesterday. It was very interesting. I am flicking through your book that I bought yesterday. What a gem. 

Ramona Butler


Thank you so much for your time and enthusiasm and for showing me how much I yet have to discover in this city. I especially liked the banana murals, the mediaeval street, the designers' stores and the hospital square with the white buildings. It helped me imagine how Brussels looked at the time Joseph Conrad referred to it as the whited sepulchre.

Joanna Luczac


I was touched by the city that you showed us. I have lived here for a year and I have always felt that there is more to Brussels than I could describe, show or touch. Even though I have read hundreds of books about Brussels. I loved the gorgeous photo exhibition, and the abandoned old fountain lined with rubbish made me cry. Brussels is a magnificent old city, but it's a pity it's not visble on a daily basis. Like the narrow street near the Rue de Flandres that isn't even on Google maps. Every citizen should be obliged to try to see Brussels through your eyes.    

Joanna Slocka


The walk on Saturday was illuminating and your book is on my list of things to buy. I adore getting to know about my surroundings and our peregrinations were ideal for that.

Nick Hogg


You were fabulous. After 15 months here, I've fallen into a bit of a Brussels funk. Your book and the walk were just what I needed to remind me of the quirkiness and absurdity that makes Brussels such a unique place. After the walk, a friend and I enjoyed drinks as you suggested at the Dominican. It was a perfect Saturday afternoon.    

Brandee Butler


Your narration is fantastic, it could entertain and enlighten me for hours. In fact, one of my group said, "I'd like to take him out to dinner and just let him talk."     

Pam Rubin



One day in Brussels


a tour of the best secret spots in the city


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The 500 hidden

secrets of Brussels




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