My secret chocolate shop: Laurent Gerbaud

We could argue long in to the night about where you find the best
chocolates in Brussels. Some argue that Marcolini is the grand master.
Others remain faithful to Wittamer. But a few discerning people
are whispering the name Gerbaud as one to watch. His shop is located
opposite Central Station.
No. 71 in The 500 Hidden Secrets of Brussels
Rue Ravenstein 2D
Central Brussels

My secret pizza: Mamma Roma

Mamma Roma is opening branches all over town for people in a hurry who want a slice of pizza, pronto. The latest branch in Rue Dansaert serves classic slices of pizza with exotic topping like potato and truffle, or cherry tomato, courgette and Swiss cheese.
My 3 best
street food

01 Place du Châtelain »
The market on Place du Châtelain every Wednesday afternoon is a place to meet for a glass of wine with friends. As well as stalls selling vegetables and cheese, there are several stands where you can drink a glass of white wine or even Champagne.

02 Mer du Nord »
The Mer du Nord fish shop has a counter on the street where you can pick up a helping of seafood and a glass of white wine. It can get impossibly crowded at lunchtime, but the people who work here remain cheerful.
No. 51 in The 500 Hidden Secrets of Brussels
03 Frit Flagey »
It nearly vanished in early 2011, but a Facebook campaign saved this popular Ixelles frites stall. The owner had to move to a shiny new stall, but he still produces perfectly-fried frites which he serves in paper cones. It takes time. This is slow fast food. Be prepared to wait in a long line of customers, ranging from mothers with small children to hip Flemish journalists from the TV Brussel studio.
No. 76 in The 500 Hidden Secrets of Brussels
My 3 secret
food blogs
01 Bite me, Brussels »
Rachel has a voracious appetite for all the good things to eat, drink, taste, sip and savour in Brussels. She hunts out unexpected gems and ends each review with a rating, making this the Standard & Poor of Brussels foodie blogs.
Bite Me rates restaurants on a scale from C to A and mercilessly downgrades any establishment that fail to come up to scratch on a second visit, making the whole eating experience as nervous as the Sovereign debt market.
02 On Food and Wine »
Andrea and Mark are two Eurocrats who work at the European Commission by day and eat out at night. They have been blogging about
their experiences since 2006, with gorgeous photographs accompanying each entry.
03 Best of Brussels »
Jane is an American who has created a very stylish blog on Brussels. She covers sights and events as well as food and often spots interesting new places to eat.
No. 492 in The 500 Hidden Secrets of Brussels