a newspaper for Brussels
why we are doing this
Citizenship begins with understanding. You need to know what is happening in your city if you are going to play a part in its life, in its story. You need to be informed in plain language what is being discussed in the town hall, what is being planned for the streets in which you live. A traditional city newspaper can help you to understand. It can make you a bettter citizen and so help to make the place where you live a better city.
why Brussels needs a newspaper
Brussels is a busy cosmopolitan city with a multitude of attractions. It has changed over the past 60 years from the modest capital of a small nation into the ambitious capital of the European Union. It has succeeded in some ways, but it has failed badly in others. It needs a better transport policy. It needs to deal with the growing inequalities in its social fabric. It would do no harm if it paid more attention to the state of the pavements.
At the moment, Brussels struggles to gain a place in international rankings of good cities to live and work. It rarely appears in the top ten cities in Europe. It never gets a mention in Monocle magazine's survey of the 50 best cities in the world.
We would like to see that change.
We believe that Brussels could become the most attractive city to live and work in Europe.
Read our manifesto »
why we will be different
Our aim is to provide a newspaper for the international community. We see this community in the broadest possible sense to include anyone who desires to live in Brussels as a citizen of Europe, or a citizen of the world. So we are not excluding Belgians. We are keen to embrace Moroccans. We are not simply focusing on the people who work for the European institutions.
Read about how you can be part of the story »
Read the full text here »
Day 07
The appeal led to a huge response. Messages of support poured in from all over the world - Australia, New Zealand, India, United States, Switerland, Scotland. It was clear that people didn't want this magazine to die without a fight.
Read what people said in the first 7 days »
Get in touch if you want to make this happen.