A film about Brussels

why not a film? someone at the end of a walk in the Cinquantenaire Park on a cold Saturday in February 2013. I raised the idea with my little Facebook crowd. It got nine likes and seven messages. Not a bad score. So let's do it.
Brussels is one of the most misunderstood cities in the world. It is commonly seen as boring because no one knows much about it apart from that damn statue of the little boy. So a film could help to put the record straight.
It could be a feature film. Or a short. Or a documentary. Or a YouTube clip. There are many different ways to make a film these days. It needn't take a whole army of technicians to put it together. That smart phone you have in your pocket is maybe all it would take to make a serious film about Brussels.
The budget is limited, but the opportunities are infinite. We need aspiring actors, film-makers, extras, writers, technicians, dreamers, sponsors, musicians and supporters.
The aim is to make a film about Brussels that will touch the heart. Get in touch if you want to be part of the story of Brussels here
We will meet in a café sometime in 2014 to start the discussion.
Brussels 7 March 2014
